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Our supervision packages are designed to provide PBBT practitioners with ongoing support on their application of PBBT to their cases.



Our online training courses cover a wide range of topics, including Process-Based Behavior Therapy, Behavior Analysis, and Relational Frame Theory. Our courses are suitable for all clinicians.

Personal Development

Personal Development

Our personal development courses offer key strategies to help individuals journey toward psychological growth using PBBT. These are suitable to anyone who is interested in personal psychological growth.

The PBBT Institute

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of The PBBT Institute, the home of Process-based Behaviour Therapy (PBBT).

Process-based Behavior Therapy (PBBT®) is a scientifically-based psychotherapy developed by Dr. Yvonne Barnes-Holmes and Dr. Ciara McEnteggart, after years of research on human behavior and practice in clinical psychology.

Our Clients

Mental Health Professionals

We provide courses to all mental health professionals who are seeking training in PBBT.

Educational Institutions

We offer training packages to educational providers who would like to offer training in PBBT to their students.

Mental Health Clinics

We offer training packages to mental health clinics and institutions who are seeking training in PBBT for their clinicians.


We provide training courses to individuals who are interested in personal psychological growth and well-being.


  • Personal Development Training Course Guided By PBBT®
    Enroll Now
  • Learning PBBT®: “The Viktor Training Series”
    Enroll Now

"This amazing new world called PBBT"

“I started my training with Yvonne and Ciara in Dublin some years ago and I could see they have the “something” I was looking for in my clinical work. I immediately decided they were going to be my trainers. As I usually do, I commit myself “all the way” to learn this amazing new world called PBBT. Precision with love and humanity, Science and Art, Knowing what and knowing how altogether, that is just a part of what I found up to now. I am the number one fan of PBBT, and I am aware that the trip is still beginning.” (Fabian Olaz, Professor in Clinical Psychology, co-author of The ACT Matrix).

"I can’t recommend PBBT highly enough"

“Early on in my ACT journey, I developed a strong interest in Relational Frame Theory. However, until the emergence of PBBT, I never saw how a knowledge of RFT could be used to guide clinical practice. It seemed all RFT could do was provide complicated-sounding accounts for what we were already doing. All this changed with PBBT. For the first time, RFT-based analysis stood at the heart of case conceptualization and prescribed clinical interventions. PBBT gave me the tools for conducting functional analysis of verbal networks in a way that effectively helps predict and influence client behavior and expands the range of clinical interventions. Since I’ve integrated PBBT into my clinical practice, my clients’ clinical effectiveness measures have improved significantly. PBBT goes to the heart of who we are as humans and gives us concrete tools to target the unhelpful verbal networks that trap us in a false sense of ourselves. It helps us find and grow into who we really are. A deeply existential therapy of the self, I can’t recommend PBBT highly enough.” (Benjamin Schoendorff, ACBS Peer-reviewed ACT trainer and founder, Contextual Psychology Institute, Montreal, co-author The Essential Guide to the ACT Matrix and the ACT Practitioner’s Guide to the Science of Compassion)

"An Important Shift Therapeutically"

“I want to express my gratitude for the training and supervision I have received from you in recent months. I have been continuing to apply what I took away in my work with clients (and in the way I conceptualize myself and the human world around me!). Despite knowing that I am only so far applying a fraction of what I learnt, I have already observed a positive shift in how clients are generally responding to our sessions. I feel that the training I have undergone so far with Perspectives Ireland marks just the beginning of an important shift in the way that I work therapeutically.” (Alison, Psychologist).

"I don’t feel so stuck or lost in sessions anymore"

“Venturing into PBBT has had a profound impact on me, both as a professional and in allowing myself just to be me, without hiding behind my professional veil. The PBBT trainings and supervision clinics I have attended with Yvonne and Ciara have sharpened my behavioural lens considerably, as well as the ability to conceptualise cases on a process level. The degree of precision in training me to look for the core patterns of human struggles is both invaluable and intriguing. I don’t feel so stuck or lost in sessions anymore and I’m less bogged down with the next fancy exercise which I get convinced my clients will benefit from. This unique combination of a very science-based approach and the radical warmth, validation and respect for both our clients and us which Yvonne and Ciara bring to the table makes it a very safe, fun and competent learning environment. I’m not close to being done with PBBT and Perspectives Ireland at all.” (Camilla Grønlund, ACT House, Denmark)

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